Monday, June 18, 2018

The Perfect Pastor

He prays longer and better than any other pastor in the circle, not to mention he remembers every prayer request! He shows up at every hospital visitation! He remembers your birthday from the stage on Sunday mornings! He tackles the tough topics of sin in your life because he has overcome them and has no "big" sin in his life. When you call he answers... no voicemail because he is never too busy for you! This is your pastor and he is to be held in high regard for his perfect standard of living because he "lives the word of God".

Problem is, pastors... even this good, are a rarity and their longevity is growing shorter by the year. The average pastor, I believe the last stat I saw, leaves the pulpit within 5 to 8 years. I have been in ministry for over ten and have left two positions. I think it's time to take the capes off.

Why can't pastors be real people too? Yes, we are leaders of others, but just because we are leaders doesn't mean that we aren't people; that we don't have emotions and feelings, that we don't hurt or sin like the rest of the human race. We can take a look a the life of King David, who was a man after God's own heart, and he was by far a perfect man. But what made him a man after God's own heart and such a great leader and shepherd of God's people? What made him a pastor? It wasn't perfection that's for sure. It was pursuit! A constant pursuit of God. When his sin was revealed he repented and has anyone ever noticed he wasn't dethroned? He paid a heavy conscience for his sin but it didn't make him less of who he was.

We like to gather our pitchforks and our torches today when we find out that a pastor has failed in some area of his life. No wonder pastors are so guarded about being transparent about their lives. If I were to guess I would say any given pastor probably only has about five real friends. Those are friends they can tell anything to and not receive any judgment in return. If they are willing to admit it, it is a lonely life to be a pastor. But most get all spiritual and play the "I have God and that's all I need" card. I truly hope that is working for them. But I believe God called us to live in a community, true and authentic.

I have since refused to put the cape on because every time I do I am the one that gets hurt or burned out. I am just a weakened pastor with many sins and flaws that God's grace continues to cover. Why He uses me is beyond my ability to understand but I am grateful for it. I am a shepherd and I stink like the sheep! I even have sheep $*#+ on my shoes. I just don't see doing pastoral ministry any other way. Though I would love an Osteen smile and a Creflo suit I am just not that manicured of a sheepherder. I'm a mess because I want to be amongst my sheep simply being me... a pastor with his own set of flaws and sins that is willing to lead the flock to the One who is the Forgiver of all... JESUS CHRIST!

Maybe this is more of what I want to look like...

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