Saturday, December 8, 2012


So you're disillusioned with the church, who isn't? You feel like you're not getting fed or like people are not recognizing you for all of your wonderful efforts. Maybe you believe the pastor's theology is so off base, they're too legalistic, or they're too free.

Has your disillusionment caused you to leave the church all together, church hop, or do you sit in your seat every Sunday stewing in your own "pew"? How long will you be able to contain your discontentment before it turns to outright bitterness and hatred?

If you are tired of the growing disdain in your heart for church, if you are ready to cure the poison of bitterness and resentment that is eating you from the inside out, then give this article the chance to be used of God to speak to right where it hurts. You may not like what I have to say, you may disagree, or it may just change your heart.

  1.  It's not about you! Just to be clear right from the start, church is not about you! I know that this might come as a shock to all of us self-centered people that look to "get something" from the service, but we are there to give! Fellowship is about a community of like-minded people coming together to remember Christ our Savior. It isn't about getting recognized for our service, patted on the back for humility, or even about having all the right answers... pastor or not! 
  2. It's about relationship! If you are searching for what's wrong in the church... you'll find it! If you're searching for what's right in the church... you'll find it! In this day and age we have "Facebook Friendships". We don't like something someone says, first we "hide their comment", if it continues we "defriend" (but subscribe just to keep an eye on them!), and if we are truly offended, we "block". Where is the reconciliation in that? Where is the meeting on the common ground of Christ? It is much easier to just never go back to "that place" than it is to work out our issues with others in the hopes of forgiveness and restoration.
  3. It's about Being the Church! We are many members of One Body i.e. THE CHURCH! All those people we believe we are better than and more spiritual than, are members of Christ's body. We build resentments around character flaws or "holey" theology and our resentments turn to bitterness, then to hatred... hatred for God's children! Right, wrong, or indifferent, each butt planted in a seat that you scorn is a creation of Gods and a part of YOUR BODY... HIS BODY!
Look friends, I've been there. I've walked out of service, called pastors idiots, mocked congregations for following idiots, and swore to never walk through another church door as long as I lived. I'd pride my self with thoughts like "I am the Church, I don't need the church!" or "Where two or more are gathered... so let's gather at my house or at this place or that." and though these thoughts are sort of true, God pricked my heart. "I love every seat that is filled in churches as much as the ones that aren't".

So in your disillusionment, ask yourself these questions:
  1. Have I made it about me?
  2. Have I broken relationships because I didn't like what I heard?
  3. Has my disdain for the idea of church turned to a disdain of the people in it?
If you have answered yes to even one of these questions, than I want you to consider one more:

Could your disillusionment be an issue with you and not with the church? 

1 comment:

  1. Between Faith and Failure. I think we have all been there, I know,I have. This has real signs that someone is willing to be quite long enough to receive real wisdom from the Holy Spirit, and allows the Holy Spirit to work thru them.
    God Bless, and have a Christ filled day.
