Sunday, February 5, 2012

I Must Be Famous!

Epic Fail! It seems that could be my mantra for most days, at least according to my feelings. It seems of late I have had a knack for screwing up my role as husband, father, friend, mentor, and why not throw pastor in there as well. My long list of epic fails causes an epic amount of frustration and anger. When we are angry it is always easy to take it out on the ones we love and that causes conflict and tension.

The epic fail equals an epic amount of frustration, anger, conflict and tension. Hmmmm, it seems I remember those words from some of my training.

Told she was wasting her time and was to shy, Lucille Ball made it. Turned down because the sound was no good, The Beatles made it. Failed soldier and farmer, Ulysses S. Grant made it. Cut from the high school basketball team, Micheal Jordan made it. Told he was stupid, Thomas Eddison made it. Fired for not having an imagination, Walt Disney made it. Defeated in 8 elections and had a nervous breakdown, Abraham Lincoln made it.

So what about men like David who gave in to temptation? Made it! Elijah who ran and hid from Jezebel? Made it! Daniel in the lions den? Made It! Shadrach, Meshach and Abendego? Made it! Paul being stoned? Made it! And most of all... JESUS? Made it!

Many times what appears to us or the world around us to be failure really isn't! We meet with frustration, anger, conflict and tension because we want things to go our way instead of Gods (I.E. the flesh). The more we go this route the more we experience the epic feelings of failure. How do we get out of this turmoil?

Christ's Epic Victory! God has one grading scale, Pass or Fail. No matter what the results are or appear to be, if what we do we do in fellowship with Him by faith... PASS! No matter what the results are or appear to be, if we do it outside of fellowship with Him and on our own... FAIL. Results are up to God to sort out. The only difference between me and the people in this video or the men of the Bible, I am to willing to believe how I feel and the results I can see than knowing by faith that God has the results under control.

If I were to define myself by my failures I'd be famous. But ALL my failures aside, Christ succeeded! The funny thing about Christ's success is that to the world it looked like utter failure. We should think about that the next time we "feel the failure".

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