Let me start by saying that I can't believe it has gotten to this point. I do not believe in "Cheap Grace", "Greasy Grace", or any other "Grace" that was not bought and paid for by Christ Himself. Having said that, we are in dangerous times because the message of God's Grace is headed on a dangerous course. (I can't believe I just typed that!) Let's see if I can get through this blog without "dissing grace" and staying true to the forefront of our call as disciples who are daily in need of God's expensive grace found in Christ Jesus Our Lord.
Let me share with you a few statements I have come across in the last month or so...
- There is no need for surrender because we are "in Christ"
- We don't need Pastors, teachers, or leaders to instruct us
- You can't take the Bible literally, especially Adam and Eve
- You need "special grace revelation" to really understand this message
- Put down your bible and "trust" God's voice
- Jesus' words are Old Testament and therefore don't apply any longer
There are many more thought patterns out there that have the semblance of truth and that are catchy enough to steer those not founded, sounded, and grounded in the word astray. Remembering that a half truth is a whole lie, we need to get back to the word of God (in context) and really measure the message of God's Grace that has flooded our churches today.
Paul knew much about having to keep doctrine in check. There isn't a better example than his letters to Timothy. Listen to 2nd Timothy 4:3-4
"For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths."
Paul, dealing with the influx of Greek culture into the church, had to make sure that sound doctrine was being taught. There were those using the Law unlawfully and there were those taking advantage of new believers and women believers. False teachers were rising and not flat out denying Christ but minimizing Him. Now this is a farcry from where the message is today, but I want you to understand that there were those who were "doctoring the doctrine".
Let's face it... there are people leaving Churches in droves. Today's culture has become resistant to the entire message of God's word. God's unfailing Grace, though a HUGE part... is just that, a part. Jesus had a Kingdom message that dealt with many varying and sometimes contradictory (by appearance and not truth) elements. So, are people leaving because they are being "set free" as they claim, or because they are being deceived into believing a gospel that is a bit more comfortable, convenient, and compelling to them?
I have heard those who have "come to understand the grace message" talk so ill of those who still attend church. The "grace-ones" make me laugh sometimes because they say they don't want to go to church yet meet in homes all over the place. They say the don't want to be under pastors, but they follow the thoughts, books, cds, dvds, and speaking events of Grace ministers. So it does sound as if that could qualify as "to suit their own desires they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what will tickle their ears."
I was told that Christianity isn't about morals, it's about Christ. Well, Duh! But let me flip that for you, If you know Christ will you have morals? And will those morals be important to you? Can you say you know Christ and not have morals? Can you say that you know him and despise the people of God found in the institutional church? Can you say you know Christ only to live for yourself, keeping your faith "personal" and stagnant? "It's not about doing, it's about being"... I get that more that you know! But don't forget this one "I do because of who I am". The message of God's Grace does not produce spiritual laziness! It does produce Spiritual Life, and that life is not for us to keep but to give away. (not that it ever runs out in us!!!)
I am not saying the institutional church has it all together by far. There are legitimate hurts that take place due to abuse of power, legalism, lasciviousness, licensism, and flat out bad doctrine or no doctrine at all! You may think I'm some kind of wack job, but God's word tells us that we are to live separate lives, holy lives, moral lives... but the key in all this is HIS GRACE. We can't even begin to BE any of the above without the expensive, costly, extravagant, extraordinary, abounding GRACE.
So, before you believe the lie that you have been set free from a standard of living that is above reproach, an authentic involvement in a church body, the Shepardship of a Pastor, the call of discipleship, and a flat out laying down of your life, your ways and your ideas for HIS....
Stop listening to those voices, and pick up your BIBLE
Test everything by the word of God and you cannot go wrong.
God's Grace Cannot be Cheap or it ceases to be God's Grace