Sunday, February 19, 2012

Failure to Communicate

"What we got here is a failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach, so you get what we had here last week, which is the way he wants it. Well, he gets it. And I don't like it anymore then you men."

So much communication going on around us at all times. I have heard well meaning pastors tell couples that their problem is lack of communication. I used to think that was the problem to, until during a time of personal marriage counseling our counselor said to my wife and I; "You communicate just fine... you're just saying all the wrong things". That is failure to communicate! Non-communication is just that "NON", but failure is trying to communicate and saying all the wrong things. We communicate so selfishly. "Which is the way he wants it", this is what lies behind the failure to communicate. I'm not just talking about marriage here. Most relationships we have are centered around self (if we take an honest look). Just pay attention to when someone asks you how you are doing. Do they really want to know, or is it just a pleasantry we are taught to say. As pleasantry for someone who is hurting this can be even more devastating. Failure to communicate.
John- How are you today Alex?
Alex- I'm ok I guess, my mom is kind of sick and that's bugging me a bit
John- I sure am swamped,  glad you're ok, see you tomorrow.

So consumed with our own needs that we don't even here the communication that is being transmitted to us. Need I go on? Now, John might not be the bad guy. Alex might have said he was fine when he really wasn't. That is still communication. As a matter of fact, we communicate more with what we don't say most of the time. Christians are the worst at this. We fail at communicating because a lot of the time we speak another language, let's call it Christianize. We can do more damage simply by trying to have all the right religious answers. 
What about those men that "you just can't reach"? I know, as a pastor, I have tried tactic after tactic to reach the "unreachables". In the end I have only felt like I just beat them with a club and "I don't like that anymore then you men". No, I have found that a simple and authentic relationship with those "unreachables" always works better. We have to allow God to do the reaching.
Speaking of God. Let's turn the tables on us for a moment. Is there a failure to communicate in our relationship with God? Is it His failure? I believe God is always communicating with us, it's just;

"What we got here is a failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach, so you get what we had here last week, which is the way he (us) wants it. Well, he gets it. And I don't like it anymore then you men."
Imagine God saying that about us! I am sure He has said it about me! Mostly, I have no problem communicating TO God, but communication FROM God is another story.... at least for me. Again it boils down to selfishness. "Do I really want to do what God says?" By now, especially as a pastor, you might think that He says "jump" and I say "how high" every time. Unfortunately, sometimes He says "Jump" and I say "Did you hear something? Oh, I know what I'll do. I'll run."  God didn't say run! He said Jump! But I know better then He does... don't I?

Wow, I totally wasn't going this direction with tonight's writing. I had something different I wanted to get off my chest, but God must have had other plans for you and for me tonight. I truly pray that this helps someone and I didn't fail to communicate. Peace be with you and remember, You are always communicating.

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