Sunday, May 13, 2012

House of Complexities

I have never felt so intimidated as a pastor and a public speaker than the last few times I spoke. Whether it is social issues or words of faith it really seems like any which way I go, any stand I decide to take, and any position I place myself in... someone is always right there to back me in a corner or push me through a trap door. As the saying goes, "Can't please everybody"!
I am learning that public speaking in any forum is a cesspool of twisted words, argumentative debates and just brutal attacks from people who disagree. It can be pretty disheartening because out of all the "good" comments it's always the one bad comment that ruins my day. Soon I find myself trying to maneuver through a house of complexities trying to figure which way is up, which way is down and who did I upset this time with my average theology?

I have had a handful of wonderful mentors in my life and faith walk. Men of God who, by the best of their knowledge and ability, shaped and steered my young life. Not all of these men saw eye to eye on everything. Chances are that if I had them all in one room at the same time there might have been an all out brawl! So being shaped by such a variety of teaching personalities and perspectives has it's advantages, but also it's disadvantages.Having more than one of these men in the room at the same time while speaking can take it's toll on me mentally, physically, and spiritually.

I don't want to have to dance around the house of complexities when I speak! I want to speak the message God has placed on my heart through the scripture He has opened up to me. I want those who have discipled me to recognize the faith, hope and love that comes through my messages whether or not I use the same terminology as they do or the same theology as they do. I have come to believe things to be true by the Spirit of God, not by the influence of man alone. Yet, I find I dance all the same.

 Galatians 1:10
"For am I now seeking the favor of men, or of God? Or am I striving to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a bond-servant of Christ."

Just a failure to communicate I guess. I am growing out of it. The more the Lord pricks my heart about "tailor-made" messages, the more I want to preach the word of God as He reveals it and as He leads. Failure is doing things for other peoples approval, success is doing thing as God leads no matter who is sitting in the room. I know I don't have it all right... and I am beginning to be come concerned for those who think they do!

1 comment:

  1. 11“When you are brought before synagogues, rulers and authorities, do not worry about how you will defend yourselves or what you will say, 12for the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say.” Luke 12:11
