I remember the day I got ordained, One of things I was told to do was to put three things in order.
#1 God
#2 Family
#3 Ministry
So I said I would put them in that order and keep them in that order. Now years down the road I feel like it is backwards at times. Maybe it is and I'm not willing to admit it openly. The frustration is exhausting.
I think of the words of the Apostle Paul when he encouraged disciples to stay single like him if they could. Really Paul??? Now I wonder if I'm even fit for the ministry because of the stress it causes on my family. Should family men be "part-timers"? I don't have it in me to be a "part-timer", but I can't be a "full-timer" either. And so I'm torn most of the times between three things I love.
God- I know I don't spend the quality time with God that I need to. I have lots of excuse and all of the revolve around family and ministry. If it isn't one it's the other volleying for my time. So where do I fit God into? Sadly enough, the likeliest reason I am even in this predicament is because of my lack of quality fellowship the God. I'm a Pastor, I should know better... right? I wonder how many of you struggle with this too?
Family- I don't get enough time with my family and that is for sure. Between working a part time job and doing ministry I am always off and running. My wife and I continue to find this a sore spot in our marriage. At times her pain over my lack of presence can make me feel like a horrible husband and father... then again... maybe I am. Yet, what part of sacrifice for the Gospel is missing here? I heard Billy Graham's daughter talk about how he was always gone, yet he was out doing what God called him to do. I feel stunted in ministry due to this. Is that wrong? Paul's concern for those who would marry was plain in that the cares of this world would always be an issue. So, where does that leave me?
Ministry- The only thing I am gifted at. The one thing that is interrupting everything else. The more opportunities that come that I can't do makes me feel like I am missing out on God's calling for my life. How can great things be done in and for the Kingdom of God if I am always hesitant about time constraints? Being active in the lives of others for the Kingdom is where my heart is at...but it is tearing my family apart.
So, let's just get "all the right answers" out of the way. I know that nothing should be replacing my time with the Father, but it is. I know that I love my family and don't want anything to come between us, but it is. I am re-created to be invested in ministry with a gifting that is beyond anything I can just do "part-time', but I am. My struggle lies between two things I desperately love...plus lacking communication with the One who loves me. I already know my "right answer"... Time with God #1, Family is ministry, and opportunities come and go... this is just my struggle. Keeping the order right isn't as easy as I thought it would be. How's it working for you?